A Note from Rebecca

In the back of the closet, in the darkest corner, on the tallest shelf, lies a cardboard box filled with memorabilia our adult selves have packed away: dusty snow globes and trinkets of vacations past, our first cell-phone and our last report card, old love letters and worn through socks. But some things in this box are less tangible: the taste of a gum eye-ball from a lopsided popsicle, the way it feels to pump your legs on a swing, the sadness of losing a first pet, or the happiness of losing your first tooth, and that horrible (yet well deserved) bellyache that comes from laughing at a joke before you tell the punchline.

As a director, Rebecca hope to bring to the stage what has been stored away in our own personal boxes, knowing that no box is too high, too wrapped, or too heavy to be unpacked again.