Out of Orbit
Written by Jennifer Maisel
“A mother and her teenage daughter. The Jet Propulsion Lab Scientist and the underachiever. Sara lives on Mars time, spearheading the Mars Rover Expedition, visiting a planet she cannot touch, while her daughter, Lis, on Earth time, falls under the spell of the cyber-cypher Edgar2330. Sometimes it takes being worlds apart for an exploring woman and a longing-to-be-explored girl to find each other in our increasingly disconnected universe.”
––Sam Grant, Director
Presented at the Carriage House // Spring 2018
Directed by: Sam Grant
Stage Managed by: Rebecca Rose Schilsky
Sound Design by: Graham Cook & Nicola Citera
Lighting Design by: Erica Schnitzer
Artistic Design by: Finley Martin
Featuring: Megan Muratore, Samantha Fleishman, Bianca Thompson, Lulu Fairclough-Stewart, & Brendan Higham